LED media façade launches at Landererova 12

JTRE’s Landererova 12 administrative building, which will also be the seat of the European Labour Authority (ELA), has created an artistic animation on the largest LED façade in Central Europe. As such it ranks Bratislava among world cities that combine architecture with visual art in an urban environment.
The LED media façade is installed in the northeast corner of the building at the crossroads of Landererova and Košice streets, and forms a unique entry-point to the newly-created Eurovea City quarter. The screen follows the building’s shape and measures 558 sqm, nine metres high and 62 metres wide.
"As an urban developer, we’re interested in bringing unique features and new technologies to our capital city. When designing this solution, we sought inspirational abroad – where LED façades are a popular component of architectural projects," says Pavel Pelikán, JTRE’s executive director.
According to the designers behind the media content, this represents a significant advance in terms of uniting architecture and video in Slovakia. Such installations are widespread around the world, proving popular with both residents and tourists. The LED façade shows visualizations of artistic themes that can be adapted to the surrounding environment.
Matej Černušák from AKASHA VISUALSTATION described the artistic animation process thus: "When designing a theme, we were compelled to experiment, test and discover new ways to exploit the local conditions. We were eventually inspired by nature. Some animations, for example, resemble seagrass whilst others are reminiscent of rolling hills."
Being orientated towards one of Bratislava’s busiest junctions also means the LED façade has various restrictions, which necessitated advance testing and thorough preparation.
“Brightness and displayed content had to be approached with sensitivity. The LED screen’s performance criteria were discussed with the Regional Transport Inspectorate, and the LED panel’s brightness was measured by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics STU," explains GFI architectural studio’s Ján Ťupek, which designed Landererova 12.
The building’s entrance lobby soffit also leverages LED technology, while thematically connecting the exterior and inner spaces.
"The lobby’s ceiling was less about design and more about achieving the right atmosphere and creating an overall sensation of space," observes Mr Černušák.
The LED façade in numbers:
- Total size: 558 sqm of which: 324 sqm on north façade, 189 sqm on east façade, and 45 sqm on corner
- Length: 62 meters
- Height: 9 meters
- Weight: 8 640 kilograms
- Resolution: 1488 x 180 pixels
Landererova 12, which was completed at the end of 2018, is the seat for Lenovo and SWAN. Just recently the Labour and Social Affairs Ministers of the Member States of the European Union announced that the European Labour Authority (ELA) would also be based in Slovakia at this building. It has excellent transport connections , a wide range of services, and uses 32% less energy and half-less drinking water than conventional buildings. That’s why the building was awarded the LEED Gold certificate for green buildings.
Landererova 12 brings 23 000 sqm of offices to Bratislava’s centre. The first four floors are a 376-space car park, and the twelfth floor has an attractive 250 sqm terrace with panoramic views and relaxation zone.