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16 Oct, 2024

JTRE supports Children & Architecture’s project. This season’s theme is "From old to new"

Zo stareho nove

JTRE is delighted to continue supporting kids’ architectural education with the innovative CHILDREN & ARCHITECTURE – already in its eleventh year. This season’s theme is "From old to new".

Through a creative interactive e-learning course, the project aims to teach young people how to look at architecture by using attractive examples from Slovakia and abroad to stimulate their interest in architecture, construction, public spaces and their environment. Although primarily aimed at 10- to 16-year-olds, the project has also proven popular with people of all-ages.

"As the project’s long-term main partner, we and the students eagerly anticipate each year’s new course that showcases Slovak and global architecture in a playful and approachable way. I particularly appreciate that the kids learn to value the responsibility that goes with urbanism, since the design of buildings and public spaces informs and defines their current or future living spaces." 

Pavel Pelikán, JTRE’s executive director

"From old to new" has been prepared for the  2024/25 school year. It aims to outline the sustainable reasons why it is better to restore and rejuvenate derelict buildings/areas rather than sending in the bulldozers. The course will include numerous examples of attractive renovation projects in Europe and Slovakia." 

Darina Lalíková, project organizer

The course’s three sections will conclude with a humorous quiz aimed at testing kids’ newly-acquired knowledge. A further advantage is that the course can also be taken in English, which increases students’ foreign language competences. Budding artists can join the art competition with the chance to win great prizes, including a trip to Bratislava for the opening ceremony and a themed tour around the city’s noteworthy buildings on behalf of the course organizer.

Project timeline: 

20 September 2024: e-course available at 

Until 31 October 2024: time to take e-course and final quiz 

Until 30 January 2025: art competition (A3/A2 size submissions) -  "My vision of an old building’s reconstruction/conversion" 

Until 10 February 2025: expert jury selects 20 best creative drawings

Until 20 February 2025: art competition winners announced at

Bratislava, April 2025 (exact date TBC): opening ceremony and awarding of diplomas and prizes. Second day features pupils’ themed architectural tour of Bratislava, including the Blavačik sightseeing train.