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03 Aug, 2017

J&T REAL ESTATE predstavila koncept Spojenej Bratislavy ako konkurencieschopnej európskej metropoly

united bratislava

Spoločnosť J&T REAL ESTATE predstavila koncept Spojená Bratislava, ktorý vyjadruje jej víziu rozvoja hlavného mesta v nasledujúcich rokoch, pričom vychádza zo schválenej koncepcie rozvoja mesta. Spoločnosť pôsobí ako developer vo viacerých častiach hlavného mesta, ale v posledných rokoch sa jej rozvojové projekty sústreďujú v jednej z najcennejších lokalít Bratislavy – pozdĺž dunajského nábrežia. Práve rozšírenie a rozvoj centra  mesta na oboch stranách Dunaja, prepojeného kvalitnou verejnou dopravou, považuje J&T REAL ESTATE za kľúčový smer v ďalšom rozvoji Bratislavy, ktorý ju kvalitou prostredia priblíži moderným európskym metropolám.


Téma kontaktu mesta s riekou sa stala najdôležitejšou celomestskou rozvojovou témou Bratislavy. Nábrežie sa postupne mení, a rieka Dunaj, pôvodne bariéra, sa mení na kľúčový spájajúci prvok mesta. Spoločnosť J&T REAL ESTATE sa systematickým vstupovaním do developerských príležitostí v nábrežných lokalitách na oboch stranách Dunaja stala jedným z hlavných hráčov rozvoja prebiehajúceho rozšírenia centra mesta.


Potenciál rozvoja Bratislavy tkvie predovšetkým v doposiaľ nevyužitých územiach pri Dunaji. Bratislava sa až donedávna rozvíjala len na ľavom brehu Dunaja, dôsledkom čoho je úplne rozdielny charakter nábreží. Realizácia Eurovey v zóne Pribinova dokázala zmeniť vzťah Bratislavčanov k Dunaju. Ľudia sa stali každodennou súčasťou tejto zóny, Slovenské národné divadlo sa otvorilo cez nové námestie smerom k rieke a nábrežiu, promenáda dostala ľudí na breh. Tým sa vytvorili očakávania, ako sa bude rozvíjať nábrežie ďalej na druhej strane Dunaja. Tento očakávaný vývoj odzrkadľujú aj strategické a plánovacie dokumenty mesta, ktoré dlhodobo zvažujú rozšírenie centra mesta na obidva brehy.

We are convinced that by activating and livening up the interconnected riverside on the left bank through the existing River Park, Zuckermandel, Staré Mesto, and Eurovea, and by creating a lively riverside zone in the development territory of New Lido, the city centre can gradually “overflow” through the Pribinova zone to the right bank of the Danube, thus attracting the so far isolated Petržalka closer to the city.

An attractive riverside will connect Bratislava not only in physical terms but gradually also in people’s minds, changing Bratislava to a real city on the Danube.

Peter Korbačka

Benefits of city centre development on both sides of the Danube


Bratislava has an ambition to be competitive with the other European metropolises, not only in terms of the quality of life but also in the ability to attract young educated people or innovative companies and international institutions so that they choose Bratislava as their seat or place of prestigious events.


The implementation of the projects under preparation by J&T REAL ESTATE – the extension of the mixed-use complex Eurovea and construction of a new district in the New Lido development zone – will mean the creation of a new modern city centre on both sides of the Danube. This will create an economically flourishing and touristically attractive zone with a high diversity of functions and benefits in both economic and social areas, in particular: 


  • mixing of functions and creation of job opportunities in the mostly housing character of the Petržalka district
  • generation of conditions for creating new jobs:
    • 254,000 m2 of office premises
    • creation of conditions for 30,000 jobs and the attraction of foreign companies
    • 560 new jobs in the created establishments
    • 1,000 new jobs during construction
  • high-quality housing and the creation of sustainable environment active for 24 hours a day:
    • attractiveness of the area for new inhabitants 
    • 4,200 new flats 
    • creation of conditions for high-quality life of all social groups of inhabitants
  • conference tourism development – a new congress centre with a capacity of 1,700 visitors
  • development of city riversides
    • construction of 35,000 m2 of attractive public premises with varied character 
    • creation of 6 hectares of greenery 
    • provision of 4 hectares of sporting areas 
    • construction of playgrounds and premises for various age categories
  • high-quality social and cultural spaces
    • smooth continuation of the Danube promenade 
    • premises for various cultural and sporting events 
    • premises for seasonal markets, active and passive rest 
    • extension of the tourist zone


Mobility as a new conception of transport - both the tram and a new footbridge


United Bratislava also means high-quality transport service and problem free and fluent movement – i.e. the possibility to select a combination of several ways of transfer in the city. Pedestrians, bikers, and motorists should move from place to place within the new city centre in such a way as to not obstruct and limit each other. At the same time, they should be allured to prefer walking, cycling or using public transport instead of individual car transport. This is the target of the new transport interconnections between the two banks.


The central axis interconnecting the opposite main squares at Eurovea in the existing Pribinova zone and in the zone of future New Lido represents the main urban motif of development of the riversides on both sides of the Danube. The axis should materialise in a new footbridge which would also become the symbol of interconnection of the core of the new city centre. The squares in the future interconnected by the footbridge will create one continual public space representing the basis of the new relation of Bratislava to the river.


According to J&T REAL ESTATE, the development of public transport, in particular the supporting transport system - trams - represents an important part of the intentions on both sides of the Danube. Already some time ago, the company expressed its public commitment to share the costs of development of tram tracks in Bratislava.


The current proposal within the concept of United Bratislava expects the construction of new tram tracks of the Ružinov and Petržalka radial lines by 2022, as follows:


  • Košická section: 2.7 km 
  • Petržalka section: 1.5 km 
  • eight new stops


In the future, trams should ride through the centre of the left-bank city centre between Eurovea and the Slovak National Theatre, as well as through the right-bank centre at New Lido, and to interconnect them. After the completion of the circular system of trams through the Pribinova and Košická Streets towards the radial line Centre – Ružinov, New Lido as well as Petržalka itself could be comfortably interconnected both with the city centre, Dúbravka, Rača, Ružinov, and Zlaté piesky (Golden Sands) and in the future with the premises of Slovnaft and Vrakuňa.


The statute of a significant investment will allow creating United Bratislava earlier


With the objective to reach as smooth and fast implementation of the intention of United Bratislava as possible, J&T REAL ESTATE submits the background documents to the application for the award of the statute of significant investment. 

As regards the amount of the investment and creation of jobs, our intention considerably exceeds the criteria for the award of this statute. However, we also want to explain to the public the additional benefits of United Bratislava for the capital and for entire Slovakia, which would be brought by the implementation of such an essential project for Bratislava.

Significant investment does not mean the evasion of authorisation processes or reduction of the volume of financial resources flowing into the development of the territory. On the contrary, the authorisation process must be observed and the amount of planned investments in the territory considerably exceeds the volume of fees for the development or of induced investments.

Pavel Pelikán
executive director, J&T REAL ESTATE

With their economic and social benefits, the projects on both sides of the river Danube reach the parameters of a significant investment.