JTRE awarded ASB Developer of 2020 in Office Segment ASB GALA 2020

The prestigious 14th annual ASB GALA awards aimed to highlight key experts’ work and contribution to Slovak construction and architecture – and associated benefits for Slovak cities and municipalities through investments and project roll-outs, were also affected by the pandemic. The organizer (JAGA) had postponed the normal May date to October and presented prizes in an empty auditorium - in accordance with strict hygienic measures imposed by the government.
Yet even without an enthusiastic audience in attendance, ASB GALA remains a highly-respected occasion among developers, designers, architects and construction companies as a benchmark architecture and construction award event. Although votes were accepted over a record time period - from February to the end of September 2020 - results were finally announced to excited nominees.
J&T Real Estate received the prestigious award for ASB Developer of 2020 in the Office Segment – which was proudly accepted by the company’s executive director, Pavel Pelikán. The expert jury praised the administrative projects that the company completed between 2017 and 2019: Westend Plazza, Pribinova 19, Landererova 12, and Zuckermandel. "Winning the award for best office developer in these hard times shows our commitment to satisfied clients and their confidence in relying on us," observed Mr Pelikán after receiving the award from Jarmila Belicova, Schneider Electric Slovakia’s sales director.
Watch video from prestigious ASB GALA awards