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25 Sep, 2017

Prvá módna show priamo v uliciach Prešova

Vo štvrtok, 28. septembra, zažije Prešov svoju prvú módnu show priamo v srdci pešej zóny. Organizuje ju EPERIA Shopping Mall, novovznikajúce obchodné centrum, ktoré otvorí svoje brány už v novembri. Súčasťou dynamického sprievodu sa môže stať každý fanúšik módy bez rozdielu veku. Naša módna polícia bude na mieste spomedzi návštevníkov odmeňovať atraktívnymi cenami každého, kto ju zaujme príjemným oblečením. Štart dvojhodinovej show bude o 15:30 pred budovou Mestského úradu, no sprievod pôjde celou Hlavnou ulicou k Divadlu Jonáša Záborského až po Evanjelické kolégium a bude trvať do 17.30. Isto ho neminiete!


Prehliadka jesenných trendov ešte pred oficiálnym otvorením EPERIA Shopping Mall


Prvé prešovské moderné centrum EPERIA Shopping Mall už zaujalo status novej obchodnej dominanty Prešova, no ešte pred samotným otvorením pripravilo pre Prešovčanov veľkú módnu show v uliciach mesta.

We are working flat-out preparing for the shopping mall’s grand opening in November, but we just couldn’t wait to bring our customers the latest trends from our brands’ autumn collections!

So we’ve prepared a unique concept fashion show! Current seasonal trends will hit the town’s streets, and everyone can get a really good look.

Juraj Marko
project manager, J&T REAL ESTATE

Inspirational dancing and music accompany fashion programme


The parade of models will be led by popular presenter Ondro Antálek, who as a former member of the Pastels dance group, knows trends very well. The pace and rhythm of the fashion parade will be set by the Grimmy dance group famous for successes in their native Prešov and beyond. The event will also be given a boost by youthful VK EPERIA Prešov volleyball team – looking a bit different than their sports hall appearances! Professional styling and a wide range of EPERIA Shopping Mall brands will ensure an unforgettable experience, which can also be enjoyed by Europa 2 radio listeners: Láďo and Michaela - the popular radio station’s DJs – will broadcast the great atmosphere live!


Great prizes for everyone!


The organizers have prepared lots of great prizes for fashion show fans - gift vouchers for the newly opened EPERIA Shopping Mall as well as products directly from partners. Everyone joining the fashion show will be checked out by our FASHION POLICE – evaluating all attendees’ street wear! So come and have fun, and refresh – or get inspiration to refresh - your clothes collection.