EPERIA has been and is a clear challenge for us. It's our newest project in the retail segment of such range. I believe that we managed to mix a good combination of shops, restaurants and services to satisfy almost 100,000 inhabitants in Prešov and its surrounding. We tried to get to know the whole region, its possibilities and needs. Prešov has a concept in EPERIA, which has not been achieved so far. I believe that EPERIA will become a favourite place not only for all adults and children in Prešov.
Prešovskú EPERIU navštívilo 70-tisíc ľudí
Otvorenie prvého moderného nákupného centra EPERIA Shopping Mall v Prešove prilákalo počas prvých troch dní viac ako 70 000 návštevníkov. Slávnostné otvorenie v piatok sprevádzala veľkolepá šou a pestrý sprievodný program. Prví zákazníci navštívili obchody svetoznámych značiek na ploche 22 000 m2 a mohli si vybrať aj z pestrej ponuky reštaurácií či oddychových zón. Centrum sa stalo novým regionálnym zamestnávateľom, celkovo vytvorilo približne 700 nových pracovných miest.
EPERIA Shopping Mall – nová módna adresa v Prešove
Prešov má ako posledné krajské mesto na Slovensku od minulého týždňa svoje prvé moderné nákupné centrum. Jeho výstavbu začal developer J&T REAL ESTATE v júni minulého roka a odovzdal ho do prevádzky podľa avizovaného plánu.
The great interest of visitors exceeded the expectations of the owners. According to Vladimir Salkovič, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of VSV Consulting, a.s., of which 100% shareholder is the real estate fund NÁŠ PRVÝ REALITNÝ o.p.f. – PRVÁ PENZIJNÁ SPRÁVCOVSKÁ SPOLOČNOSŤ POŠTOVEJ BANKY, a.s. (pension fund management company), the decision to invest in EPERIA project was a strategic aim.
Company J&T REAL ESTATE is one of the leaders in development area in Slovakia and, thanks to the scale and quality of the projects implemented has built a strong position in the competition of the most important developers. These are the main reasons why we decided to cooperate.
The shopping centre is another project that, according to Vladimír Salkovič, will contribute to the long-term performance perspective of the mutual fund.
The opening of the EPERIA shopping Mall will have a positive impact on the city as well as the region, not only on employment and increased purchasing capacity, but also on increased and richer supply of quality gastronomy and entertainment.
Modern and balanced brand composition
The chosen location for the construction of the shopping centre was in a well-known retail zone, at Ul. Armádneho generála L. Svobodu street, in the approximate vicinity of the settlement Sekčov, which is currently the largest in the city. The location of the shopping centre will ensure the serviceability of the wide attraction zone covering the northeast of Slovakia, which represents up to 330, 000 people.
In terms of the total amount of purchase areas and quality of tenants mix, the project has all the prerequisites for dominating the attraction zone.
When comparing EPERIE tenants with other regional shopping centres, according to the study called CBRE Shopping Centre Index, which compares shopping centre parameters each year in Slovakia, EPERIA Shopping Mall provides modern and well-balanced brands composition. The fashion dominates in this shopping centre with over 58% of the total area (without a supermarket), of which more than half (55%) form large fashion tenants, 28% of the fashion area form smaller boutiques, 15% are shoes and the rest are accessories.
In terms of the total area share, the second highest share of rent (11.8%) have specialized stores such as toyshops, sports or bookshops, and over 10% have gastronomic operations and cafes.
The two-storey modern regional shopping centre with a total rentable area of 22 000 m2 was built by the developer J&T REAL ESTATE already in an existing business zone in Prešov settlement Sekčov. The construction will be the only one in the city to have an international environmental buildings assessment called BREEAM certificate. The timeless and modern architecture of the shopping centre comes from the DKLN architectural team. Construction of EPERIE with a total investment of 50 million euro began last year in June and this new fashion address opened its gates to new customers already in November. EPERIA brings to Prešov hundreds of stores, prestigious fashion brands and a wide range of customer service portfolio. The customers can find here stores such as H&M, C&A, Lindex, New Yorker, A3 sport, Pandora, Bepon, Bubbleology, Tchibo, 101 Drogerie, Yves Rocher, Exi Sport or CCC.
A new concept of food store is also placed here namely Fresh Supermarket, food court, new culinary and restaurant design. Among the places where you can enjoy a variety of gastronomic activities are Café Dias, Cuban bar La Cubanita, Sedliacky dvor or a brand new restaurant concept Šariš.
Visitors can also use available services of post office, mobile operators and three banks. EPERIE shopping mall dominates the central square opened on two floors, providing space for occasional cultural and public events, children's activities, and many other attractions to create a good mood, inspiration and enjoyable moments with the family. There is also an indoor parking lot with a capacity of 199 seats and outdoor with 369 seats. EPERIA also thinks of cyclists and admirers of modern urban lifestyle and is barrier-free. Free wifi is a must. Opening hours are every day from 9:00 to 21:00.