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21 Apr, 2017

Nová etapa projektu Zelené terasy Devín v predaji

Úspešný rezidenčný projekt Zelené terasy v bratislavskej mestskej časti Devín od developera J&T REAL ESTATE pokračuje piatou etapou. V stabilizovanej a tichej lokalite tak vznikne ďalších 16 moderných, rodinných domov. Súkromné záhradky a vlastné parkovacie miesta umocnia novým majiteľom radosť z rodinného bývania. S výstavbou sa začne už toto leto.


Odbornosť a spolupráca


Dopyt po novostavbách na trhu s nehnuteľnosťami je stále vysoký, ďalšia etapa bola logickým krokom.

We always strive to arrange a project and its surroundings to best suit future users. The local situation and area specifics are unique - so our projects always represent the best knowledge of place and customer needs.

Pavel Pelikán
executive director, JTRE

The successful project’s first stage was completed in 2009. The company’s experience, cooperation with experts, and subsequent quality of build will ensure owner satisfaction with these stylish, low-energy family houses.


Comfortable and quality life


The offer includes four-room barrier-free and two-floor five-room family houses with flat roofs, characteristic terraced architecture of which naturally respect the terrain and create an original family home. The family houses have well-considered dispositions, and are divided into practical day and night parts, and all plots are oriented to the sunny west side. Part of the family home is the preparation of a fireplace, which creates a pleasant family atmosphere in the living room. The standard also includes the pre-installation of a security system, external electric shutters and cooling. Following our experience of previous project stages, houses will be rough finished - allowing future home owners to complete interiors according to their visions. The land will be grassed and fenced.


Popular location


Devín is a sought-after locality, and as part of Bratislava is served by the public transport network. Nearby are motorway connections, and the city centre is only 15 minutes by car. Zelené terasy has all the advantages of close-knit living. Residents can use a management company, which will provide services such as mowing lawns and minor repairs upon request.


Those interested in living in the popular Devín part of Bratislava can reserve their new home at the real estate agent by phone, email, or arrange a visit at the showroom at Pribinova Street 19 in Bratislava, next to Eurovea retail centre.